Zenbev befrämjar en naturlig dygnsrytm och inre harmoni med lugn under dagen och en förbättrad sömnkvalitet under natten.
Zenbev® är resultatet av många års forskning. Zenbev är baserat på pumpafrömjöl, som innehåller aminosyran tryptofan, och Vitamin B6.
För kostbehandling av: Problem med oregelbunden dygnsrytm, sömnsvårigheter som problem med insomning och uppvaknanden under natten. Vid oro under dagen för inre lugn och harmoni.
Viktigt: ZENBEV bör användas i samråd med läkare eller dietist. Zenbev är näringsmässigt inte ett komplett livsmedel och är inte lämpligt att använda som enda näringskälla. ZENBEV rekommenderas till vuxna och ungdomar från 15 år. ZENBEV kan intas av alla som känner behov av en god nattlig sömn.
Pumpafrömjöl* (45%), dextros*, arom (naturlig chokladsmak), risstärkelse*, guargummi* (konsistensmedel), kiseldioxid. *= ekologisk.
250 g
Zenbev® Drink mix is an organic sleep aid made from pumpkin seeds. The organic pumpkin seeds are cold pressed to remove the oil and blended in a powder formulation which promotes sleep naturally. Zenbev® — clinically proven to promote a natural and healthy sleep.
Zenbev can be taken during the day to provide a powerful source of tryptophan, a precursor for serotonin. Serotonin regulates mood, emotion and appetite, and is well-known to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression. Other purported benefits of ingesting a natural source of tryptophan include easing chronic pain symptoms, weight loss and increased libido.
Tryptophan is light sensitive, meaning it metabolizes differently in light vs. dark conditions. When taken during daylight hours Zenbev's tryptophan becomes serotonin providing the afore mentioned benefits. If taken at night, Zenbev's tryptophan turns into serotonin, which then metabolizes into melatonin, thus activating the brain's own sleep mechanism. As the brain produces the exact amount of melatonin that it requires, the body is primed for a natural, restful sleep.
How To Use Zenbev
Taken at night for insomnia, and in the morning for anxiety
Start at 1 scoop for three nights. Mix with warm water or your favorite non-caffeinated beverage. Chocolate Zenbev should be mixed in milk, rice milk, soy milk or almond milk for optimal taste.
For those who are avoiding liquids before bed, mix with applesauce. Take one half hour before bedtime and do something calming and relaxing (i.e. not mentally stimulating) before retiring to bed. After three nights increase the dosage as necessary allowing three more nights to achieve the desired effect.
Continue to increase as necessary. Two scoops are usually sufficient for most clients, however some individuals require more. Individual requirements are not directly associated with Body Mass, each person's biochemistry is different. It usually takes a few doses before its optimal benefit is seen and it continues to work for a few days/nights after it was last taken. One way of optimizing this benefit is to take Zenbev for 5-7 days/nights and then stop it for 2-3 days/nights before resuming again in a similar pattern.
Zenbev can be taken safely on a daily basis. Make sure you are taking a B-complex multivitamin as tryptophan will metabolize to vitamin B3 if your body is deficient.
Clinically proven approach to overcome insomnia
Zenbev Ingredients?
Zenbev is a powdered beverage mix made with all-natural, organic food ingredients. The 250g jar comes with a measured scoop inside and provides 25 servings. Zenbev comes in two delicious flavors — lemon and chocolate.
100% Vegetarian & Vegan. Organic ingredients. Gluten free. Contains no artificial colors, preservatives, dairy or yeast. Store in a cool dry place.
Zenbev is manufactured at a government regulated, food packaging facility in Canada and holds a Health Canada issued Natural Products Number: NPN #80013101