Bacillus Coagulans
Bacillus Coagulans (tidiagre kallad Lactobacillus sporogenes) representerar ett genombrott i tillskott av probiotika. Bacillus Coagulans är en säker, stabil, effektiv L(+)-mjölksyreproducerande organism. Den kräver inte nedkylning eller annan speciell behandling. Bacillus Coagulans motstår nedbrytning från magsyra, binder kolesterol i tarmen och kan hindra det kolesterolproducerande enzymet HMG CoA-Reduktas.
Näringsdeklaration | |
1 kapsel innehåller: | |
Bacillus Coagulans | 100 mg |
ger ungefär 1,5 miljarder CFU (koloniformande enheter) |
Storlek: 60 kap
a unique, stable probiotic organism that promotes gastrointestinal health*
The human intestinal tract contains trillions of bacteria that, in a healthy person, coexist with us in a beneficial, symbiotic relationship. They help digest food, produce vitamins, regulate the metabolism, and control a normal immune response. Probiotic bacteria promote a healthy intestinal environment by producing lactic acid and by secreting fatty acids that are helpful to the growth of other beneficial microorganisms.* Bacillus coagulans is a lactic acid-producing bacteria that represents a breakthrough in probiotic supplementation. This beneficial bacteria is dormant in the bottle, then reverts to a growing bacteria in the intestines.* Because of this, it resists being killed by stomach acid; in contrast, many Lactobacillus probiotics lose most or all of their potency before use and do not survive their trip through the stomach.*